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Almost Over!!!

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Oh it’s a great day, yes indeedy! I just can’t contain myself any longer without sharing the good news.

I have one more day of radiation. One more day of “treatment” after today, and then I will be not prodded, poked and positioned for 6 weeks, no more x-rays (even at my age I feel a bit more sadly sterile with each new x-ray), no more new aches and pains, just healing and getting better day by day.

Six more weeks. I won’t know if the tumor has shrunken enough to avoid surgery and the unavoidable ostomy bag until the next colonoscopy sometime toward the end of August. What a summer, I hope I don’t forget to breathe. Sometimes I do just hold my breath.

Make each day count! It seems like cancer will continue to be a frightening word for some time to come and my life will never be the same. It seems that I won’t be able to relax, that I’ll not be off the hook, that life will be no different than it is today but wait…

This morning I stood under the shower and remembered not having hot and cold running water, when baths were done from a large pot heated on the stove (thanking God for LP gas). I still marvel at what a simple turn of a faucet means in my life now. I have it so good now! Not everyone in my age group has had the experience to live without running water or a telephone or a TV, but many of the generation before me surely remembers hauling water in a bucket from a well as humans have done for thousands of years. Now we have high priced “utilities”.

What a miracle my life has been so far.

It just goes to show me that I can’t predict the future. I can only be amazed at what lay behind this one point in time and try to draw a blank when I think what might lie ahead.

But one thing is for sure in my life, I’ll be sewing.

About Mary Beth

I am fascinated by changing patterns and colored threads. I sew garments and am teaching myself to machine knit. Since selling the building that housed my workrooms, The Stitchery, I'm searching for a place to set up the knitting machines again. There must be room here somewhere!

25 responses »

  1. Oh Mary Beth, I’m so glad that your on the “sunny side”. It’s really inspiring to read about it. Of course, you’ll be sewing…. and of course I’ll be here to read about it!

  2. Such good news! I’m so happy for you Mary Beth!

  3. Great news and so glad to hear you will have the summer unhampered by treatment. Am sending positive vibes that all will be well and surgery avoided!

    Happy sewing – I am just about to start a khaki skirt so will think of you as I work!

  4. Great news MaryBeth I am so happy for you that you have the next 6 weeks off from hospital appointments. Crossing my fingers that the tumor has and will shrunk a lot. Enjoy each day this summer and getting and feeling better every day. Happy sewing and knitting.Hugs Els

  5. Such wonderful news Mary Beth. I’m happy for you that you get six weeks off. You continue to be n my prayers and I’ll be back to check on what you’ve been sewing!

  6. What an inspirational post – you have a great attitude and outlook. I only wish wonderful things for you in the future.

  7. Oh MaryBeth this sounds like such good news.

  8. That is the first hurdle dealt with, Mary Beth. Just a day at a time remember! Hugs,

  9. Yes, it is amazing how the definition of hardship keeps getting redefined. We are thankful for things great and small. I am so glad that you will be able to tend to your knitting and sewing now. Show us what you are up to, as things come off the machine. {{{hugs}}}

  10. Wow! Great news! You are such a reminder to me that we have so much to live for and not to waste our precious time on things that won’t matter.

    I pray that your body will be able to heal and rest during the beautiful summer months, and that you’ll be able to sew and create and share!

  11. Good news MaryBeth. Hope you can enjoy your summer and get some sewing done ! :)))

  12. I am very happy for you Mary Beth, your positive attitude will help you through this. Glad you can now get on with the creative side of your life.

  13. Your energy is contagious. Enjoy each day. I hope that the cancer will be gone.

  14. Marybeth – I am happy that you have reached the end of this stage of treatment! I am also glad that you will get six weeks to concentrate on feeling better. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

  15. We are all pulling for you! There are a lot of people who know you from the Sewing Divas that are keeping you and your recovery in our hopes and prayers. So glad to hear that the radiation is complete!

  16. MaryBeth that’s great news. I’m wishing for you a summer full of healing and wonderous moments. {{hugs}}

  17. Sending you hugs and good wishes for a wonderful summer.

  18. Wanted to drop by and let you know I’m thinking of you today!

  19. Kelly in Milwaukee

    Very hopeful! Big hugs.

  20. I remember going to the outhouse, using a little “chamber pot” at night, taking abath in a galvanized tub and dressing in the moring behind the potbellied stove in the freezing winter. I remember too many people leaving the earth too early because medical care was either so impossible to obtain or even pay for. I and my first unborn child would have been one lump in the prairie if I had been born a 100 years earlier. So, we do have miracles…. by the way I had a friend who had received her first ostomy bag at the age of 17 and loved to wear two piece swim suits. She blessed the ostomy as that was the only thing that allowed her a chance at living a life not predicated on how close the potty was at all times.

    You are right to concentrate on the positive since that’s all we really have in the world.

  21. My dear, Mary Beth, in my heart of hearts I see nothing but good things for you in the future. This is just one of those speed bumps in life!

  22. I don’t think I commented before, so I will delurk to say I am thinking of you.

  23. Wow Mary Beth – this news made my week!

  24. Mary Beth – you’ve not posted in a while, so I am hoping that things are doing well, and you’ve just been busy sewing up a storm. Healing thoughts wend their way to you.

  25. Woo hoo! I was going to wish you a speedy recovery, then I ready the ~Hi~ article and realized: we have different ideas about what “recovery” means.

    Now, I know you can’t keep a good woman down. In your case, she just keeps getting up and doing more!

    I’m putting good vibes out there because I’m hoping to see you back in your element.


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