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Simplicity Jackpot Scissors

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You must buy these scissors!!! You won’t be sorry. Promise!

Simplicity Jackpot Scissors

I fell for the advertising that Simplicity sent out a couple of weeks ago: buy a pair of Jackpot Scissors and get a free angled tweezers. I am always looking for tweezers and scissors, no matter that I have at least one set at each machine, somehow I carry them around to the ironing board, the cutting table, the computer where I hand sew or rip stitches so I snapped up the offer like a hungry mother.

I am so glad I did! These scissors are great: they have extra wide holes for your fingers so you don’t get stuck (anybody besides me absolutely hate that??), the sharp points work well for slipping under stitches and the scissor is strong and sharp. These scissors are well made and a delight to use.

I’m just a walking advertising board these days, aren’t I? I put up the Interfacing Sale notice over at The Sewing Divas earlier today. And wouldn’t you know it? but that post got stolen by a porno scraper, one of those sites that take the first two paragraphs from blogs and put it up at their sites so they’ll have some content, rather than write their own. Don’t know how many porn readers are garment sewers but hey, maybe Pam will get some orders from India. That would be exciting.

But you must buy these scissors!!! You can find them online at, in the Supply Shop, Tools and Notions, page 5, or by clicking here

I want to say to all who wrote me private emails to say they were grateful for the post on anal cancer: I am simply unable to carry on a conversation about it with any grace at all. It is the ultimate of invasions and humiliations to have to go through the treatments and that’s all I can say. Please do not write to me about that post. Please.

About Mary Beth

I am fascinated by changing patterns and colored threads. I sew garments and am teaching myself to machine knit. Since selling the building that housed my workrooms, The Stitchery, I'm searching for a place to set up the knitting machines again. There must be room here somewhere!

2 responses »

  1. You’re such an enabler, MB. Thanks because I need these scissors now. I love how the tips are pointy to get under stitches.

  2. I love me a new pair of scissors! I must have these. Thank you for talking me into them!


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